Our mission is to foster and amplify community-led innovations through partnerships resulting in radical systems changes that create equitable health outcomes.

Building bridges to create and support coalitions across sectors, communities, and regions.
Let's amplify the importance of Missouri's role in the national conversation on health and ensure that health considerations are woven into discussions aimed at enhancing the lives of Missourians.
This entails not only raising awareness about Missouri's unique health challenges and successes on a national scale but also integrating health initiatives and strategies into the broader conversation about improving the well-being of our communities.
Our Strategy
Our main goal is to actively support and enhance community-driven innovations through strategic partnerships, aiming to facilitate radical changes within systems and ultimately leading to the creation of equitable health outcomes for all.

Health Care Workforce
Our vision is for Missouri to have a healthcare workforce that operates beyond the hospitals and clinics, is diverse and prepared for the healthcare system of the 22nd century.

Healthy & Affordable Housing
Our vision is for Missouri to have sufficient and quality housing for all, resulting in a decrease in health inequities.

Climate & Health
Our vision is that policies, practices and resources are put into place to keep residents healthy despite increased weather events due to climate change, resulting in a more resilient Missouri.